Scheduling Auto-Restarts for your Server


There is a video to go along with this article, you can watch it here.


Servers need regular restarts to stay running smoothly and in this article you will learn how to create an auto restart using our tasks system!

Log into your panel here, and click manage on the server you want to add the auto restart to.

Head on over to Configuration and then Tasks beneath that.

Then click the green Create New button on the Tasks menu.

Now you are in the menu where you select what you want to happen in the task. By clicking the blue "Add another task" button, you can add up to 5 tasks so you can create a warning that broadcasts to your players to tell them of the restart.

In each set of boxes you can add them to do different things, for example, warning the players of the server about the restart in advanced. You can use the say command which is on most servers but if you have a plugin that uses broadcast for public chat messages, use that!

Using the "After" section, you can select the delay of seconds or minuets (select in Zaman), between each task running. This means you can create timed delays for gradual warnings until the restart.

For the last task in the list, you will need to select "Power Action" under "Perform Action" and then put restart as the payload. This is to make your server actually restart when it gets to the final task.

An example of what this can look like is here:

After you have made the task how you want it, click Create Schedule to save your task.

You should then see your auto restart task listed on the menu.

The last run tells you when the tasks last ran and the next run tells you how long until the task runs again. The red bin deletes the task, the green eye toggles if the task is set to automatically run or not and the green arrow icon sets the task to run now.

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